Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Healthy snacks for toddlers

My eldest daughter Sasha (now 3.8 years old)  loves to eat. I never realized that would be such a blessing to parents. You see, my second daughter, Tasha, who just turned 1 is practically a very picky eater.  However, now that Sasha goes to the "big" school - instead of just popping her favorite Dutch milk yogurt drink, Yakult or Chuckie chocolate drink  and aside from the fact that the school prohibits junk food and the like, preparing snacks for her can be quite a challenge.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, healthy snacks are an important part of a child's diet no matter how old she is. Nutritious snack choices can supplement what your child eats at mealtimes by increasing the amount of vitamins and minerals she consumes. Snacks can help keep your child satisfied between meals, so stock your pantry and refrigerator with plenty of healthy options so that you can make sure your child is getting the nutrition she needs.
So, I began my research and made these for her. Creativity is the key (I hope that does it)


Image source: Family fun


Fruit offers your baby, toddler or child plenty of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber to keep him full between meals. You can offer your child any type of fruit he likes, or mix a combination of different colors to make a small fruit salad. Try offering a variety of choices, such as bananas, peaches, cherries, pineapple, berries, pears, grapes and kiwis. You can also give them real fruit juices instead of their usual drink.

Whole Grain Cereal


It is recommended of kids to all ages to eat whole grain breakfast cereals. Although not common in the Philippines, we can choose from varieties that are low in sugar and high in fiber to help fill your child up and keep her satisfied between meals. You can offer cereal dry as they can munch them just the way they like it.

Chicken/Egg/Tuna Sandwich

By Funky Lunch

I love making chicken/egg sandwich for my lil toddler. Prepare a slice bread with flaked tuna, chicken breast or hard boiled egg with a little mayonnaise. Again, creativity is the key- so sometimes, cut the sandwich into cute little bite sized fun shapes using cookie cutters. I sometimes serve her sandwich pressed in a sandwich maker so she can eat it easily in school.
Crackers with cheese 
All kids love cheese. though, give her the low fat cheese. This provides your child with bone-building calcium and protein that will give her energy between meals. 


Photo source: Almighty Dad


The Healthy Children website recommends low-fat yogurt as a nutritious snack that will tide your child over until the next meal. Yogurt offers a variety of health benefits, including calcium for strong bones and teeth and probiotics for a healthy digestive system. 

Mommy Leaf

1 comment:

  1. This post really gives insight to all parents there about the importance of healthy eating habits. Considering that info will really help them keep their child healthy.
    pediatric emr
