About Us

I am a mom of three adorable little girls and a husband whom I refer to as the only son (LOL). I love to shop. I love finding new stuff. I love to eat and travel. I am a self confessed shopaholic. I love collecting anything cute! I love the challenge of uncovering unique finds and sharing these with other moms.

Thus,  I have two online shops,
THE SPOILED GIRL , your online boutique that offers fun and charming selection of unique products that promise to delight those who have everything 

and BABY LEAF , your premier online baby store carrying unique quality products for babies and toddlers. 

I decided to make this blog as my way of putting into words my adventures (and misadventures) of being a mom, a wife and the many other roles we play as mothers. This blog is all about what I like to talk about : BABIES + KIDS + IDEAS + INSPIRATION + LIFESTYLE for the modern mom.  I believe that LIFE should be lived up to the fullest and just do what you LOVE !   “Do something you love so that you are driven by passion. This will lead you to self-motivation. I think that the happiest people are not those who have it all, but those who like what they do.  Don't forget to believe in yourself and in the beauty of your dreams.”
Thanks for this opportunity to share this blog with you! 
