
Want to support MOMMY LEAF?  

Here are the ways :  

1. Be our guest.
I would be honored if you want to guest post on the blog.  If you would like to share an article related to the topics on this blog, I would love and be happy to share it here. You can email me your article and I'll get back to you if the article fits our blog's theme.  You can also participate by giving your comments on the post. 

2. Suggest. 
I would be honored if you can give us your suggestions, recommendations or anything you wish to say on how I can improve the site. Any topics you wish to suggest which I can research on, I'm all EARS!  

3. Advertise.   
I welcome press releases and will post these at no charge but I do not guarantee publishing them. If you have a brand, product or business you would like to promote, we would gladly do so through our blog giveaway or ad space. Please note however, that this is a personal blog and our reviews will be based on what we truly feel about the product.   

Thank you for your interest in Mommy Leaf!

For sponsored posts, paid links and promos, please send your inquiries to:

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