Friday, June 24, 2011

50 Things about me

Now that I am starting my blog, here's sharing 50 things about me.
Is that possible??

Well, here it goes...

1. I am a MOM of 2 (going 3) and WIFE.

2. I love shopping, reading and recently BLOGGING.

3. I was born in the Philippines.

4. From Chinese descent. Making me a Filipino- Chinese

5. I look Chinese but don't speak like one (LOL).

6. I am 29 years old (as of this posting).

7. I love to eat, I sometimes cook, but hate to follow recipes.

8. I married early with my college sweetheart :) lol. he forced me too! :P

9. I have 2 princess. Only 1 prince- the hubby!

10. I got married at 23. Had my first born at 24.

11. I  have loving parents & 2 sisters.

12. I value my family.

13. I love mingling with old friends.

14. My favorite color is blue.

15. My favorite past time is reading blogs.

16. I don't have any brothers.

17. I love the beach- it relaxes me.

18. I had a two hour labor with my first child, a one hour labor with my second, and a ? hour labor with my third.

19. I delivered my first child in the car.

20. I am glad my hubby won't be selling that car anymore!

21. I love to wear jeans and flat shoes.

22. I love to go to the movies, though I hardly ever do.

23. I am in the ever pursuit to get organized.  But so far, it has eluded me.

24. Grease is my all time favorite Broadway show.

25. I love to watch Phantom of the Opera ( I don't know why)
26. I think TRAVELING is fascinating.

27. I enjoy driving. 
28. I love joy riding with my husband.

28. I am always on the look out for bags rather than shoes.

29. Flats or slippers make me contented already.

30. I have this thing for beddings and blankets- the higher the thread count, the better. The whiter, the better.

31. I find sleeping unimportant.

32. But, I am particular with pajamas. I like cartoon characters on them.

33. I am a night owl.  Contrary to my husband.

34.  I could spend hours at IKEA.  And not buy anything. because I get confused. I wanna hoard everything.

35. I make lists for everything and have then all over the place.

36. I could eat seafood and pasta forever.

37. My favorite is dark and mint chocolates. Hate white chocolates.

38. I like anything salty and sweet!

39. I find JAPAN so nice. and want to visit as often!

40. I collect refrigerator magnets. I buy one when I see one.

41. My dream destination is Russia.

42. I wish I could get to cruise every year.

43. I don't know how to put make-up on.

44. I love Jesus!

45. I have my own online baby site, BABYLEAF and THE SPOILED GIRL (Plugging!) hahaha

46. I have a daytime work but the two sites consume my time so much! but I love it!

47. I love watching my love ones sleep and snore.

48. I want to travel the world before I reach 60!

49. I feel lucky and thankful even if life is not a box of chocolates.

50. I sure do love my life! :)

Mommy Leaf

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